Hangover Cure in Queens

Had a great night but struggling with your hangover? Detoxify your body with IV fluids, our vitamins and get that quick natural energy boost, cleanse your liver, manage your nausea and get you back to your optimal level. Come drip in our Hangover Cure lounge. *Mobile pricing varies by distance.

500cc Fluids| Electrolytes| Trace Minerals| B-Complex

  • Hydration
  • Alleviate hangovers
  • Aids liver detoxification
  • Feelings of nausea or dizziness
  • Muscle soreness and stiffness
  • Increased irritability
  • Light and sound sensitivity
  • General daily fatigue

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a good night out with friends — but your body may have you thinking otherwise when you wake up the next day, hungover and absolutely unprepared to do anything that requires movement, speaking or thinking. Sometimes, your standard hangover cure of a brisk run or greasy fast food just won’t do the trick to rid you of that obnoxious headache. Not feeling up to traveling? Ask us for our Mobile services where our RN’s come to you.

Hangover Cure